Famous libra serial killers list

Top 5 Astrological Traits of Serial Killers Posted on November 1, 2015 by Star Master Our Marketing Director was in a Halloween-Scary mood the other day, so posted a link to Purple Clover who had done an article on the ten worst serial killers, and how their astrology affected their life choices. Fred West: Libra. Born September 29, 1941. One of the most prolific serial killers in history, Dr Harold Shipman was found guilty of the murder of 215 patients under his care.

Our Marketing Director was in a Halloween-Scary mood the other day, so posted a link to Purple Clover who had done an article on the ten worst serial killers, and how their astrology affected their life choices.

John Wayne Gacy, Jr., also known as the Killer Clown, was an American serial killer and rapist who sexually assaulted and murdered at least 33 teenage boys and young men between 1972 and 1978 in Chicago, Illinois. Pisces with Mars in Gemini, and Saturn in Taurus.

One of the things they pointed out was that Mutable signs have a high level of occurrence in these individuals, so we decided to dig a little deeper, put Star Mate to work, and see what else we could find out. After running their dates of birth through our profiling system, this is what we came up with.

Albert Henry DeSalvo was a criminal in Boston, Massachusetts, who confessed to being the “Boston Strangler”, the murderer of thirteen women in the Boston area. Sun in Virgo, Mars in Libra, Saturn in Capricorn.

  1. Mutable signs prominent.All of the top ten serial killers either had their Sun or Mercury or both in a Mutable sign (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces). Purple Clover noted this also, and it is interesting to note that the likelihood of this is very low. In a random universe, there should be a fairly even split between Cardinal, Mutable and Fixed signs. We will do an article on these in the future to provide you with more information about the difference between these three modes, so stay tuned. For now, suffice it to say that it is a quite unusual data blip.
  2. Mars in Air signs prominent. Half of the little darlings had Mars in an Air Sign (Gemini, Aquarius or Libra). Mars is the planet of expression, and tells how you ‘present’ yourself in the world. During our research we had noted that Mars in an Air sign, particularly Gemini, can lead to a surprising amount of hot headed-ness – even more so than the Fire signs, and this may be partially explained by Mars being more comfortable (and therefore stable) in Fire signs, whereas in Air, you are effectively throwing gasoline on a flame.
  3. Saturn in Earth Sign prominent. Half of the killers had Saturn in an Earth Sign (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn), although not necessarily the same half that had Mars in an Air Sign. Saturn is the Taskmaster, and asks “What have you done for me lately?” . It makes us be more critical about ourselves, and when it is in an Earth sign, it will be focused on the Earthly plane, and how we are fitting in with it. Some consider it the planet of Karma. Saturn is often related to our relationship with our father, and so a dodgy home life growing up may have helped nurture some of the more violent tendencies these individuals expressed.
  4. Sun in Pisces. Half (and again, not necessarily the same half) have the Sun in Pisces. There is a slight irony here, because the dramatic Pisces is often seen as seeking a Utopia for all mankind. I guess in those Pisceans where the fish swims downstream instead of up, this could translate into kulling what they perceive as the less desirable members of the human race.
  5. Moon in Cardinal Sign. 6/10 had their Moon on one of the Cardinal Signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn). The Moon is the planet of emotion, and Cardinal signs tend to initiate action, and quickly. This suggest that far from being cold blooded, at least 60% of these murderers were acting from an emotional state when they killed their victims.

It should be noted, so we don’t get sued to smithereens, that this is a very small sample, and there are undoubtedly other factors in play, such as childhood, insanity and basically just being a rotten human being. It is interesting, nevertheless, and another way that Star Mate can help you find someone who can be a great life choice, or perhaps someone you should avoid until after they’ve had their coffee…

Happy Star Mating!

Star Master

Zodiac signs as killers. Inside everyone, there’s a serial killer that once in time would like to come out. And your star sign can determine what kind of serial killer you would be? Just scroll down and check out the types of serial killers according to the zodiac signs.

Aries: March 21st – April 19th

Aries as the types of serial killers: Impulsive and at times reckless enough in their activities, Aries is still the child that deny to grow up of the zodiac. They rely upon acknowledgement and attention that sometimes you might just want to seal them out in a dark room for it. Above all, locking-up is not a bad idea. Their impulsiveness is that type which would kill out of the time of feeling undesirable.

Taurus: April 20th – May 20th


Taurus as the type of serial killer: The bull’s sympathetic spot is the manner in which their appearance fits the best in the most desired and social environment. They are the individuals who will remember who had harassed them in secondary school, and they are out to get their revenge now. This sign will tempt it’s victim and take all they have taken from them.

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Famous Libra Serial Killers 2019

Gemini: May 21st – June 20th

Geminis as the types of serial killers: Recognized as two-faced, these slayer twins will stab you at the back when they would be laughing and reciting to you a sleepy time story. Their game plan is to mindfuck with their victims, inspiring them to believe they’re guiltless and safe.

Cancer: June 21st – July 22nd

Cancers as the types of serial killers: The crab is extremely connected to family and relationships. So, when something turns sour under this shell, you will know and feel it without a doubt. They’ll seal you and hurt you to give them the affection they require, and when they will be over with that, well, they will simply be over with that completely.

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Leo: July 23rd – August 22nd

Leos as the types of serial killers: Without reputation, Leo can’t live in reality by any means. These naturally born attention seekers would slay to be in the limelight. Truly. unfortunately for you Leo, a serial killer that can impact the world forever is one that pays attention to details. Leo, what you have concealed under the carpet, it won’t last long until when your ego will start speaking: it’s me, it’s me!

Virgo: August 23rd – September 22nd

Virgo as the type of serial killer: This clever and logical sign is a tip of the iceberg when it comes to being evil. Virgo likes to be in long-lasting relationships, and if the spouse they are seeing goes looking somewhere else, it calls for genuine distress in them. If you want to take care of something, don’t forget evil is in the smallest details. Some of the time even the cleanser you use.

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Libra: September 23rd – October 22nd

Libra as the type of serial killer: Anxious, yet extremely very much determined, the Libra is the main zodiac sign that will orgasm when taking revenge on his victims. They’re harsh, yet tender, you’ll adore it and you won’t understand what slayed you. Things aren’t reasonable, however, who said they ought to be?

Scorpio: October 23rd – November 21st

Scorpions as the types of serial killers: The aura and sexual spark of this sign will leave you thinking and asking yourself what on earth have you done wrong. The answer to this question is nothing in specific. Scorpio prefers the amusement and wants to keep their victims on a wheel that turns sufferings. The physical kind. They won’t murder you straight ahead, despite the fact that you’ll be wishing they would.

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Sagittarius: November 22nd – December 21st

Sagittarius as the type of serial killer: This sign is the ideal example of being capacitating and incapacitating in the meantime. Sagittarius, a sign of the archer, the totally psycho, and natural born killer, will attract its prey by hypnotizing in it into a trap.

Capricorn: December 22nd – January 19th

Capricorns as the type of serials killers: The Capricorn like something more than getting their hands muddy. They are money oriented and enjoys cash. They won’t do the dirty business themselves and have no problem doing so. What they will do to torture their victims is that they will hire someone to take in charge of a list of detailed pain. Even clean up the mess.

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Aquarius: January 20th – February 18th

Aquarius as the type of serial killer: They are recognized for being innovators and how they initially create something. They have outrage and hunger for revenge. Known to be shocking criminals that torture their victims until the point that they harm them up to the insane levels.

Pisces: February 19th – March 20th

Pisces as the type of serial killer: This fish likes imagination and the least routine life. And because of their compassion and need for detail, they will torture themselves as much as they torture their victims. Some of them just get happiness out of sufferings.

Famous Libra Serial Killers

Famous Libra Serial Killers 2020

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