Jan 30, 2012 I'm actually trying to get conversions between HSL and Munsell, but since the RGB to HSL conversions are well documented, RGB-Munsell correspondences are almost as good. Your conversion chart is not quite identical to what I've found elsewhere where I can compare them; you give Munsell 10 YR 5/8 as R160 G113 B32 while another gives the same.
The Virtual Munsell Color Wheel is a simple online tool that lets you browse the Munsell color notation in your web browser. Detailed information about Munsell as a color space can be found elsewhere on the web (I recommend The Dimensions of Color,Handprint, and Munsell).
At the bottom of this tool you will see a circle of hue squares. Click on a square to choose that hue page; the upper portion of the screen will change to show you a “hue page” showing your selected hue at various values and chromas.
Within the hue page at the top of the screen, hover your mouse over any square to see the Munsell notation for that square: Hue Value/Chroma. If you click on the square, the box at the lower right will display the color you selected in 3 formats: Munsell notation, RGB decimal, and RGB hexadecimal. You can select/copy/paste these values into your favorite design tool (e.g., the Photoshop color chooser).
This is version 0.5 of the Virtual Munsell Color Wheel. Color data for this tool was taken from the Munsell Color Science Laboratory’s web page, which lists RGB values for those chips which are within the gamut of the sRGB color space. Thus, the colors you see here are only those that can be displayed relatively accurately on a calibrated monitor and will differ from those found in printed Munsell books.
Many thanks to Glenn Tait and Ron Francis for their help during the development of this tool with testing and suggestions for improvement.